• Hana Presbyterian Church of Olympia커뮤니티


8월 둘째 주 교회 소식

페이지 정보

작성자 하나장로교회 작성일19-08-14 02:12 조회959회 댓글0건


1. 우리 교회홈페이지가 정식으로 만들어졌습니다.


(Our Church homepage has been officially launched.)


2. 선교를 위한 가라지 세일과 에그롤판매를

은혜중에마쳤습니다수고하신 모든 분들께

심심한 감사의 마음을전합니다.

(The yard sale and egg roll sale for missions were finished 

with grace. Thank you all for your hard work.)


3. 다음 주일설교는 최성자 목사가 대언해 주시겠습니다.

예배 시 인도 선교를 위한 특별 헌금이 있습니다.

인도 선교사기독교 교육학 박사 

저서인도하심느헤미야 비전 7가지 원리

 (Next Sunday's sermon will be delivered by Pastor Sung-ja Choi) 

# There are special offerings for Indian missions in worship.

* India Missionary, Doctor of Christian Education

* Book: Leading, Nehemiah Vision 7 Principles


4. 9 하순에 직분자 교육이 있겠습니다.

(In late September, a special drill program will be arranged 

for the Church officers)


5. 9 하순에 자켄 대학가을 소풍이있겠습니다

장소: Sol Duc 온천

(There will be a fall picnic for seniors in Zachen late September)

Place: Sol Duc Hot Springs


6. 2020 3월에 계획 중인 이스라엘성지순례 참여자를


선착순 6담임목사님께 신청, 9월말까지 마감

(Seeking participants in the planned pilgrimage to Israel 

in March 2020 – Max 6 People, application to Senior Pastor, 

deadline by the end of September

7. 남선교회모임 8/18 주일 예배  친교실

(A regular meeting of MMU on 8/18)